Hagerty Annual Economic Development Tour of Tennessee Launches This Week

August 18, 2022

Opportunity to visit with workers, entrepreneurs, farmers and the businessmen and women who risk their capital everyday about the current state of the economy and the harmful impacts of current policies coming from Washington

NASHVILLE, TN—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Appropriations and Banking Committees and former state Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, will again initiate his annual Economic Development Tour across Tennessee that takes place each August when the Senate is in recess. 

The tour will again take him to counties and cities across west, middle, and east Tennessee, providing the opportunity to meet with businesses—large and small— entrepreneurs, workers, and farmers about the economy and the harmful big-government, tax-and-spend policies coming from Washington. 

“The strength of our economy, and the security of our nation, are derived from the innovation, ingenuity, and grit of hardworking Americans—not from government regulation or stipulation,” said Senator Hagerty. “As a life-long businessman and Tennessee’s former commissioner of economic development, I have a deep appreciation for hardworking Tennesseans—from the farmer, to the factory worker, to the executive, to the store clerk—and a steadfast dedication to increasing opportunity and prosperity for Tennessee families and preserving the American Dream for our children and grandchildren. My time spent last August with Tennessee business leaders and workers has proven invaluable over the last 12 months as I’ve continued working for Tennesseans in Washington through the lens of a former businessperson and with the men and women who serve as the backbone of our economy top of mind. The value of my 2021 Economic Development Tour was most recently demonstrated by the passage and signing into law of my legislation that dramatically cuts bureaucratic red tape for strategic manufacturing industries—specifically semiconductor chip manufacturing facilities, among others—and creates more American jobs. I look forward to this year’s tour across the state listening to Tennessee workers’ and communities’ concerns and ideas that will foster economic growth, increase investment, and spur recovery across companies, industries, counties, and the entire Volunteer State.”

Hagerty is a life-long businessman who started his business career with the Boston Consulting Group. He later became a venture capital and private equity investor, where he invested in and served as an executive and board member of a wide range of companies, including those listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ. From 2011 to 2014, Hagerty served as a member of Governor Bill Haslam’s (R-TN) Cabinet and Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development. During his tenure as commissioner, Hagerty reorganized the department, eliminating over 40 percent of the positions and saving millions of taxpayer dollars. At the same time, the new approach helped spur the strongest economic transformation seen—taking Tennessee from an unemployment rate higher than the national average when he arrived to become the number one state in the nation for jobs created through foreign investment and being named State of the Year for Economic Development an unprecedented two years in a row during his tenure.

Hagerty’s office will announce details of his public appearances ahead of time.
