ICYMI—Hagerty Joins Mornings with Maria on Fox Business to Discuss Kamala Harris’s Plagiarism of Trump Policies, Biden-Harris Admin Failed Foreign Policy

August 13, 2024

NASHVILLE, TN—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Banking, Foreign Relations, and Appropriations Committees, today joined Mornings with Maria on Fox Business to discuss Democrats’ attempt to plagiarize President Donald Trump’s “no tax on tips” proposal, Kamala Harris’s lack of a policy platform, the Biden-Harris double standard regarding voter ID laws, and the failed foreign policy record of the Biden-Harris Administration.

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Partial Transcript

Hagerty on the Biden-Harris Administration plagiarizing Trump’s “no tax on tips” proposal: “It’s just amazing, and again, to see Joe Biden come out and say this and adopting this policy. Look, plagiarism is not new to Joe Biden, you know that, but to see both Biden and Harris plagiarize President Trump’s idea because it’s popular, because it’s working, and that’s why they’re trying to copy it. But we know what they’re going to do. We’ve had three and a half years to see what they’ve done: hiring more IRS agents, going after everybody in America. The tax proposal they have for the year going forward is going to create another 4 to 5 trillion more in taxes, and who are they going to tax: job creators, employers, taking us from 21 percent to 28 percent corporate tax rate. You know, when President Trump came in and fixed this problem from the Obama Administration, we had virtually halted the tax inversions that were taking place. That is, U.S. companies moving their domicile overseas. That stopped under President Trump because we lowered a corporate tax rate, made ourselves competitive here in the U.S. They’re going to double capital gains rates. That’s going crush capital formation, and wait until you see what that does to the stock market, the run that that will create. These policies that they put forward make no sense for our economy. It’s all about taxing the rich, and they’re just jumping on this as another talking point, Maria, with no intention to actually do anything about it for the real working men and women of America.”

Hagerty on Kamala Harris’s flip-flopping and lack of policy platform: “I think all we can look at is what she said in the past. Now that she’s a candidate for a couple of weeks, everything seems to be flipping. But I tell you what I worry about is going forward, Maria. Because if she has no policy, she has no position, and she has no internal gyroscope, how’s she going to negotiate with leaders like Xi, like Putin, like the Ayatollahs in Iran? Who’s going to respect her?”

Hagerty on Kamala Harris’s double standard on voter ID requirements: “It’s just unbelievable, I mean, the lack of thought that goes into this. Again, these are nothing but talking points. Again, she contradicts herself. When it actually does come to real security on anything, she understands that you need to have a voter ID. That’s why she required it [at her rally]. I wonder if she used those parole certificates that illegals get as they cross the border. She was in Arizona, by the way. That’s a border state, so I wonder if they allowed those parole certificates to be used for admission to her rally. In any event, she says one thing, does another. It’s really hard to tell where this candidate is coming from, certainly as a world leader, and we’re very, very concerned.” 

Hagerty on noncitizens voting in federal elections: “I think the concern is very real. It has got to be handled at the state level. That’s the way our voting laws work. Certainly, the SAVE Act, I understand the premise behind that. If that passes along the [Continuing Resolution], it’s going to be too late. We need to have these laws enforced right now in the books. Voting is going to begin very, very soon. It’s up to the states, and we’re going to have to be very, very diligent to do this.” 

Hagerty on the failed foreign policy of the Biden-Harris Administration: “It’s amazing, because you’ve got an Administration here with Biden and Harris that want to sanction Israel, that want to withhold arms deliveries to Israel to try to force them into an agreement that won’t work. Yet, they stopped enforcing all sanctions that we had in place on Iran. They’ve appeased Iran at every turn. Now Iran is back into full oil production. We shouldn’t be allowing them to sell a single barrel of oil. And the result of that has been terror around the region. That’s why Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis are back in business. The failure to impose sanctions, and the failure to enforce them, is exactly what the Biden Administration has done, creating all this havoc. And yet they’re putting pressure on Israel to do the exact same thing. It makes no sense whatsoever. They’re talking on both sides of the mouth again.”
