ICYMI—Hagerty Joins Cavuto: Coast to Coast to Discuss Russia, Federal Reserve Nominee Sarah Bloom Raskin

February 17, 2022

“Now I’ve understood we are sending [Vice President] Kamala Harris to Munich to try to get our allies there to help protect the border of Ukraine when she can’t even get the southern border taken care of. You know, she’s supposed to be in charge of that as well. So, this is yet another aspect of the symphony of incompetence that we’ve seen from the Biden Administration.”

WASHINGTON—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Banking and Foreign Relations Committees, today joined guest host David Asman on Cavuto: Coast to Coast to discuss the latest on Russia and Ukraine, and President Biden’s nominee to the Federal Reserve Board Sarah Bloom Raskin.

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Partial Transcript

Hagerty on Vice President Harris being dispatched to Munich: “It is up to Russia, but we could have done many things along the way to not find ourselves in the position we’re in today. You’ve got Secretary [Antony] Blinken in New York. Now I’ve understood we are sending [Vice President] Kamala Harris to Munich to try to get our allies there to help protect the border of Ukraine when she can’t even get the southern border taken care of. You know, she’s supposed to be in charge of that as well. So, this is yet another aspect of the symphony of incompetence that we’ve seen from the Biden Administration.”

Hagerty on the Biden Administration’s weakness emboldening Russia: “Well, someone with as poor of a record on border protection as she has, I think it really was a poor choice. Again, perhaps they want her to own this, but the Biden Administration has to own this going all the way back. Every negotiation that President Biden has had with Vladimir Putin, Putin’s been dealt a face card—whether it’s the New START treaty, where he got a full-on extension, whether the fact that we allowed them—Russian hackers—to come in and hack the Colonial Pipeline, and Russia has suffered no consequence. And look at what happened with Nord Stream 2—that pipeline that we had congressionally mandated sanctions, that Trump had actually stopped the development of that pipeline, Biden came in and allowed it to move forward. Now Vladimir Putin has been handed a geopolitical weapon that he can use to wield power over Western Europe for years to come. Every card has been a face card. And then Afghanistan just underscored the fact that this Administration will not stand strong. We should have sanctioned Putin already.”

Hagerty on nominee Sarah Bloom Raskin’s misguided objectives: “I can’t imagine any Republican supporting this just on the policy reasons alone. She wants to go well beyond the very limited mandate of the [Federal Reserve] and politicize it, to use the immense powers of the Fed to go in and achieve her political objectives. This time they want to kill the oil and gas industry; who knows what’s next? We saw what happened with Operation Choke Point in the [Obama] Administration. This is just another chapter of that. But she’s got other problems, other ethical questions that have been raised that are extremely serious, and she hasn’t answered those yet.”
