Hagerty: Democrats’ Radicalism has no Bounds

August 7, 2022

WASHINGTON—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Banking Committee, today released the following statement after voting against Democrats’ tax-increase legislation:

“The American people are currently facing a number of unprecedented crises brought about by Democrats’ radical policies: soaring inflation, record-high gas prices, rising crime, a fentanyl crisis, open borders, and mounting threats from abroad. Yet rather than do something to address any of these pressing crises, Democrats have instead chosen to ignore them and make matters worse by raising taxes—the burden of which will fall predominantly on the backs of middle-class Americans—amid an economic recession. Today, Democrats made defining choices that showed the American people that their radicalism has no bounds, choosing green energy fantasies and big government socialism over the needs of American families, workers, and businesses. Democrats will amble on to their next partisan proposal, but the American people will not soon forget the economic mess they have created.”
