ICYMI—Hagerty Joins Varney & Co on Fox Business to Discuss Biden-Harris Admin Appeasement of Iran, Ongoing Attacks on Hezbollah, FBI Report of Iran Hacking Trump Campaign

September 19, 2024

WASHINGTON-United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today joined Varney & Coon Fox Business to discuss Democrats’ condemnation of Israeli retaliation, the ongoing attacks on Hezbollah through exploding devices, and the FBI’s findings that Iran hacked the Trump campaign to provide the materials to Kamala Harris’s campaign.

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Partial Transcript

Hagerty on Democrats’ condemnation of Israel defending itself: “It’s inexplicable, except for what you pointed out in the monologue, Stuart. It has to do with Michigan. It has to do with domestic politics. It has to do with them appeasing the far-radical left that are Hamas and Hezbollah supporters in their own party. It’s shocking to me. It should be shocking to every American. We should be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with our strongest ally in the Middle East instead of launching this criticism. I think Israel has done a lot to expose what really is happening here. You know, the Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon had his Hezbollah device exploded as well. That shows how close Iran is working with Hezbollah. Yet, you can’t get the Biden-Harris Administration to even say the word ‘Iran.’ They’re appeasing Iran. They’ve allowed them to go back to full production. Under President Trump, he put the maximum pressure campaign in place. We had choked Iran out. They could no longer fund terrorism. Now, they’re back in business, and they’re supporting Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. They’ve disrupted the entire Middle East. The Biden Administration is complicit in this because they’re allowing them to gain hundreds of billions of dollars of revenues that President Trump would’ve never allowed.”

Hagerty on the exploding device attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon: “It certainly goes to the fact that there is a huge deterrent effect that’s underway right now. Israel’s demonstrated that they’re in the supply chains of Hezbollah and the Iranians. If they can do this, if they can take out the Hamas leader in Tehran, I think they’re showing them that they can get to them. And what we need to do is support them. As you said, these terrorists would certainly like to see us dead. They’ve displaced 60,000 Israelis in Northern Israel right now because of over 10,000 rockets that Hezbollah has launched into Israel. Again, you don’t hear the Biden-Harris Administration complaining about that. You don’t hear Democrats on the Hill complaining about that. Somehow that’s acceptable to them, but when Israel retaliates, when Israel demonstrates its own strength, the Democrats just become dissembled. It’s shocking to me again.”

Hagerty on the FBI revealing Iran’s hacking of Trump Campaign: “Well, it’s very obvious who the Iranians would prefer to see in office, and that’s Kamala Harris, and this action just underscores that fact. Look, President Trump stood strong against them, and as I said, he choked the Iranian leadership to a point that they could no longer fund terror in the region. We were at a point that we were about to see Iran come to the table. Peace was breaking out in the Middle East. The historic Abraham Accords would’ve never been possible were it not for the maximum pressure campaign that President Trump put in place. We would’ve never been able to move our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem were it not for President Trump’s maximum pressure campaign. And that pressure was directed at Iran because President Trump understood clearly that Iran is the source of all of this, and that’s why they’re, right now, trying to help the Harris campaign to try to see her stay in office so they can continue their malcontent in the region.”
